Monday 11 September 2017

Saturday 12 August 2017


I started on this drawing near the end of the last event. Rei and Kaoru as second-years! Considering Kaoru wasn't a part of DEADMANZ, I wonder what he was up to that semester...

2年生の零さん と 薫くん.  だが 薫くんはDEADMANZのメンバじゃなかった, その年でいったいなにをしたなのかな? ww

Tuesday 18 April 2017

It's finally spring! Feels so nice to see the sun again, haha. I have an exam coming up that I should study for but I'm too tired...

春はやってにくる. 太陽の光 気持ちいい〜 やっぱり勉強をしお けど 疲れてよ...

Monday 17 April 2017

YOIコミー p. 1-4


From my pixiv.

Monday 27 March 2017

In memory of..

In memory of my friend Tir
A caring, funny and friendly young man.
You will be missed by everyone who knew you.

Friday 3 March 2017

I'm currently dieting, I have to resist chips, haha... OTL 
いまはダイエトにしお, ポテトチップス を食べてはだめですよ... 

Friday 24 February 2017

Hello~ I haven't drawn much lately (I've been watching Go! Princess Precure_:(´ཀ`」 ∠) ) But here's a picture I drew for Ciel's birthday last year. I have a break from school soon, so hopefully I'll be able to draw then ;;
最近に絵描いたをできなかった (じっさいに Go!プリンセスプリキュアで見たかたよ _:(´ཀ`」 ∠) )
けどこの絵はシエルの最年の誕生日に描いたのために. 高校の休憩はちょったまだですよ, そのあとは描いたをできます ;;